Stance Socks Subscription Review
My best friend Lisa has had a Stance Sock subscription for the past few months and she loves it, the colours are great and it is delivered straight to your door every month. Before I tell you her I actually saw it on TV and was wondering why everyone was talking about it. The first time I saw the TV, I think I may have sworn at myself because I recognised it right away as a Stance Socks subscription.
Itโs a black socks subscription service that delivers hand made high fashion black socks straight to your door every month. The founders of the subscription service say they got together eight years ago and since then the business has just grown and now delivers over one million pairs of black socks a month. The funny part is the guys say they never meant to create this business, it just happened. The funny thing is the guys actually created the concept themselves, thatโs how creative they are. Itโs a high end company based in Los Angeles that sells itโs hand made socks using only the finest materials, the socks are so stylish you will think they cost a fortune.
You will also find that the guys behind the business are so incredibly nice, they treat their customers so well that I can see why they have so many subscribers, they really care. The company also offers a massive discount on any orders over $100, this means if you want a black socks subscription you should definitely take advantage of the deal. If you order any kind of socks from the Stance company, you will be able to get free shipping with a minimum quantity purchase. They also ship out their black socks all the time so you will always have some new stock.